For compiled data on animal erythrocytes and the resulting blood suspensions see: DOI: 10.1201 / b21806 (go to chapter 12), or check publications for the full list of animal blood testing. We are proud that our collaborators used our datasets to model different flow conditions 1-5.
Our current interest turned now on the role of plasma for blood flow. We showed that plasma is elastic under optimized conditions 6, is shear-thinning in swine 7, and creates an stabile halo around RBCs of several species at rest 8, which enlarges their functional diameter. These plasma properties affect coupling and yielding.

Another focus of our work is on bloodstain pattern analysis. Crime scene re-enactment requires substantial blood volumes from human or large animal species, but the type and quality of the blood source can vary significantly between forensic laboratories. Therefore the tests carried out may also vary. We examined the maximum storage time for pig and cow blood withdrawn and stored at optimized conditions and found out that they must be discarded on the 21st day after collection 9,10. Drawn and stored at suboptimal conditions, blood must be disposed of earlier.
Related references:
1 P Ecker, A Sparer, B Lukitsch, M Elenkov, M Seltenhammer, R Crevenna, M Gföhler, M Harasek, U Windberger* (2021). Animal blood in translational research: How to adjust animal blood viscosity to the human standard. Physiological Reports 9 (10), e14880
2 S Ranftl*, TS Müller, U Windberger, G Brenn, W von der Linden (2022) A Bayesian approach to blood rheological uncertainties in aortic hemodynamics. Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 2022;e3576
3 DV Parshin, YO Kuyanova, DS Kislitsin, U Windberger, AP Chupakhin* (2018). On the impact of flow-diverters on the hemodynamics of human cerebral aneurysms. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 59 (6), 963-970
4 A Jafarinia, TS Müller, U. Windberger, G Brenn, T Hochrainer (2020). Blood rheology influence on false lumen thrombosis in type b aortic dissection. International Journal of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Data Mining, 2, 1-12
5 G Mach, C Sherif, U Windberger, R Plasenzotti, A Gruber (2016). A Non Newtonian Model for Blood Flow behind a Flow Diverting Stent. Comsol User Conference 2016 Munich
6 U Windberger, P Baroni, L Noirez* (2021). Capillary‐size flow of human blood plasma: Revealing hidden elasticity and scale dependence. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 1-6
7 U Windberger*, A Sparer, K Elsayad (2023). The role of plasma for the yield stress of blood. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, in press
8 D Baier, T Müller, T Mohr, U Windberger* (2021). Red blood cell stiffness and adhesion are species-specific properties strongly affected by temperature and medium changes in single cell force spectroscopy. Molecules 26 (9), 2771
9 A Sparer, B Serp, L Schwarz, U Windberger* (2020). Storability of porcine blood in forensics: How far should we go? Forensic Science International 311, 110268
10 U Windberger, A Sparer, J Huber (2023). Cow blood – a superior storage option in forensics? Heliyon 9, e14296
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